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Why Agile Transformations Fail – Episode 15 with Fabiola Eyholzer

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Fabiola Eyholzer, Chief Executive Officer of Just Leading Solutions in an interview with Gez Smith for “Why Agile Transformations Fail”. The interview was broadcasted from the Global Scrum Gathering 2017 in San Diego, California.

Why Agile Transformations Fail | Fabiola Eyholzer – at the Global Scrum Gathering 2017

SAN DIEGO | 16.05.2017

Fabiola’s well known now in the agile community for leading the way on all things Agile HR. If large scale agile transformations are to succeed, they need to encompass HR teams as well, at least in terms of having them understand agile teams, and even becoming agile teams themselves. In this podcast, we discuss the issues around this, and meet Douglas, the worst employee in the world…

Hosted by Gez Smith at the Global Scrum Gathering 2017 in San Diego, California.


The article and podcast were published by Gez Smith. Click here for the original broadcast.

About JLS - Agile HR Transformation Consulting

JLS is a woman-owned, global transformation consultancy with a passion for building more robust, responsive, and innovative businesses through Agile HR.