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OBJEKTSpektrum Article “HR & The World of Work 4.0”

JLS Agile HR ObjektSpektrum Artikel Fabiola Eyholzer

Fabiola Eyholzer, Chief Executive Officer of Just Leading Solutions shares her insights on HR and the new world of work in OBJEKTSpektrum – the leading German magazine for IT-Management and Software-Engineering. The article was published in Issue 03-2018.

Work 4.0 with its high level of connectivity, dynamism and complexity, forces us to rethink our HR approach and align it to the needs of a digitized world. This is not an easy task because it means parting with previous methods and behaviors and completely reinventing our people and HR approach.

But because the revolution of work – and thus of HR – is unstoppable, we will have to face the new reality and dive into the transformation.

The article covers the topic of HR in crises, the new world of work, the need for HR to change their pattern of thinking and behavior as well as HR 4.0 and the need to learn the new language and world of work.

The full article is written in German and published in the “OBJEKTSpektrum” magazine. Click here to download the original publication.

(OBJEKTSpektrum | Issue 03-2018 | Apr-21-2018)

About JLS - Agile HR Transformation Consulting

JLS is a woman-owned, global transformation consultancy with a passion for building more robust, responsive, and innovative businesses through Agile HR.