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Embrace the New Talent Contract (#1 Agile HR Theme)

Intrinsically motivated people are the real driving force behind Lean | Agile Enterprises. Their drive and desire to make a difference build the foundation for the new talent contract. The ensuing power shift will give Agile people a voice in shaping the way their organization, leaders, and HR interact with them – not only when it comes to their career development, but across the whole HR value chain.

This article is part of the series “Aligning Key Themes in Human Resources to Lean | Agile Values & Principles

In this age of disruption, enterprises must respond to the new realities by fundamentally reinventing their mindsets, behavior, leadership, and ways of working. The driving force behind Lean | Agile organizations are the people. It is their ideas, experiences, and interpretations as well as their ability to convert information, knowledge, and expertise into creative, innovative solutions that keep businesses moving forward. The results of their intermediate work are often intangible and require improvisation, the use of judgment in ambiguous situations, and interactions with others.

Modern employees are learning workers who thrive on this kind of challenging, meaningful work. But they also seek meaning and purpose along with appreciation and respect. They are intrinsically motivated; they want to take responsibility and be actively involved. So, in order to innovate and contribute, they must be allowed to manage themselves with the necessary autonomy and empowerment.

All of this shapes the new talent contract. Embracing it means a move from micro-management and command & control to inspiring leadership. It also means recognizing the power shift that comes from accepting the drive of Agile people.

This, inevitably, also affects the way HR interacts and engages with both management and the workforce. Employees will claim a voice in shaping the way their organization takes care of them – not only when it comes to their career development but across the whole HR value chain.

Like management practices, People Operations are less prescriptive and more flexible, empowering, and accommodating; and HR solutions are co-created and constantly evolving. This is an integral part of building places of work that are full of inspiration and engagement.

Are you ready to embrace the new Talent Contract?

Click here to read the next installment in this series

Click here to download the full whitepaper

About Fabiola Eyholzer

Fabiola Eyholzer is a thought leader in Agile HR and seasoned Management Consultant and Executive Advisor for Business and HR Agility, Change Enablement, Transformation and Performance Acceleration.