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Hire for Attitude and Cultural Fit (#3 Agile HR Theme)

Hiring in a Lean | Agile Enterprise is no longer about simply finding people with the right technical skills. Alternatively, they pursue people whose expertise is coupled with abilities to thrive in self-organizing, responsive teams. Their Talent Acquisition is a team-based approach; a dedicated HR team not only supports a hiring and onboarding process in line with Agile thinking but also proactively connects with talented people long before a vacancy opens up.

This article is part of the series “Aligning Key Themes in Human Resources to Lean | Agile Values & Principles

Building a vigorous workforce starts with identifying, attracting, and hiring the right people. But finding top talent is increasingly difficult, which leaves organizations to deal with considerable financial impacts.

This is how Agile Enterprises get a competitive edge on Talent Acquisition:

A high-quality recruitment process reduces the risk of bad hires and subsequent disruptions to the flow and performance of the team(s).

Are you ready to invest in a team-based Talent Acquisition process?

Click here to read the next installment in this series

Click here to download the full whitepaper

About Fabiola Eyholzer

Fabiola Eyholzer is a thought leader in Agile HR and seasoned Management Consultant and Executive Advisor for Business and HR Agility, Change Enablement, Transformation and Performance Acceleration.