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The People Runway of the ART

At JLS, we are dedicated to accelerating your Agile transformation through a relentless focus on your key asset: your people.


What is ‘People Debt’?

People Debt is a concept that reflects the implied costs and risks accumulated by neglecting and underestimating the human aspect of collaborative, challenging and innovative work and forgoing investment in people and workforce dynamics.

SAFe Summit

The People Runway

Putting people centerstage is key to Business Agility.

Unfortunately, most organizations today are facing a ‘people debt’ crisis. Their lack of investment in people combined with outdated HR and leadership practices leads to a fast accumulation of risks and costs that are slowing them down or hindering them from exploring the full potential of an agile transformation and organization. For this, we need a strong People Runway.

It is time to introduce a people authority to the ART and make them an integral and integrated part of the agile organization. It is time to move from the Triad (RTE, PM, SA) to the Tetrad (RTE, PM, SA, PD).

Are you interested in learning more?

Whitepaper People Runway

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What we can do for you

We provide a unique combination of expertise, experience, and passion in the fields of SAFe and Agile HR. As pioneers and thought leaders in contemporary HR we come with the highest Scaled Agile accolades including SAFe Fellow, SPCTs, and SAFe community contributor.

We are in an ideal position to be of assistance to you. That is if you are willing to take on the biggest challenge of any agile transformation: aligning HR and people practices to their way of working.

Our clients – big and small – come from across the private, corporate, and social sector. They are all unique in their own way, but they have one important thing in common: They are ahead of the curve. They understand the power of putting people first – regardless of where they are along their agile transformation journey.

We shine, when our clients shine – be it through our work with them directly or by enabling their key players from the LACE to Agile Coaches, and from HR to People Developers and Executives.

LACE Services

People Runway

We have the distinctive knowledge, tools, and expertise to help agile organizations design and implement a People Runway to address People Debt and generate transformation and business results.

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Up- & Reskilling

Applying agile concepts to the world of HR is as fascinating as it is challenging. Participate in one of our interactive, facilitator-led certification courses specifically designed to provide the latest thinking and practical advice for HR initiatives in a SAFe context.

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Transformation Audit & Advisory

We know SAFe transformations and can provide you with an in-depth insight into your transformation’s strengths and potential, how it measures up, and how you can take it to the next level.

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Coaching & Mentoring

Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective. Our experienced coaches and mentors provide guidance and support to key players across the entire agile organization to work on their individual or group challenges.

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From SAFe to Business Agility

Is your agile transformation well on the way, and you want to take the next step towards Business Agility? We can equip you with the techniques and insights needed to take your organization to the next level.

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Elevate Your Game

HR and Business Agility is not just our business, it is our passion. We are ready to co-create and accelerate your agile journey
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